The Last Post 2016

Since the attack on Berlin’s Christmas market we have been often asked what it feels like to be living in Berlin now.

Our answers have been almost universally the same: ‘Not much has changed, it’s not like it came as a surprise, an attack had been expected, as is another’, one lives with this knowledge.

But, and I think this is a very big but, the expectation of violence does play constantly on your mind, although at a very low subliminal level.

I’ve also noticed that my pictures have become very dark, much darker than before.

It seems that evil is afoot and the population in general is aware, although we do our best to ignore it.

In the short term things are just not going to get better, we all know this, but feel powerless to stop or even slow the triumphantly grinning fascist leviathan and its miasmatic bog of lies.

Fujifilm X20,f4.5, 1 /1000 sec, ISO320

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